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Showing posts from January, 2017

Breaking Down the SEO Meaning: Why It's Crucial for Your Online Success

Choosing The Best Keywords To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Getting a website to appear in the first page of search engine results is a common goal for most webmasters, yet few possess the skills to actually achieve it. There are many steps to take in order to be found for terms related to your site, and taking your time to research the best possible phrases for your site is an important step on the ladder. Many webmasters make the mistake of assuming that a ranking for one generic term related to their site will turn their website into a profitable success. Although that one generic term may provide a good stream of traffic and brand awareness, this doesn’t mean the traffic will convert into sales or leads, and the costs of targeting that term will tower over your return on investment. It is best for the webmaster to target multiple terms that not only drive traffic, but also lead to that all important conversion. First of all you need to consider who your target audience is and the purpose of your site. Do you sell products online? Do y

Can Social Bookmarking Help Me?

You have probably heard a lot about social bookmarking lately. As a matter of fact, you can spend hundreds of dollars right now just to find out what it's all about. Well, not here. I am giving you this information.I did the research and found this to be a super way to get more traffic to your site. The best news is, it's 100% FREE. What is Social Bookmarking? It's a public list of your favorites. Not all your favorites, just the favorites you want to share with others. You can add any website to your public list and retrieve it from any computer. (This is done on someone else's server, not your computer) When you list a site in your bookmark list, anyone looking for that same type of information can do a search at the bookmark site and find the sites that you have bookmarked. It is like a search engine without all the trash. When you do a search in a search engine, you get all the sites that have something to do with the keywords you typed into the search box

Buying Quality Traffic on the Internet for Your Website

Purchasing traffic from online businesses can be very difficult. There are many of these websites selling traffic, but it is not easy to decide who to buy from. Many of these websites can be found by doing a Google search for "buy website traffic", or something similar. Most of them are resellers who buy traffic from wholesalers and redistribute the traffic at a higher price to webmasters. Some sites offer general web traffic, and others may offer category or regional targeted traffic. Other traffic websites may even offer adult and casino specific packages, because general traffic does not allow these types of sites. Any type of traffic that is not general web traffic is sold at a much higher price, because it is harder to collect and sort. There are some very odd things about most traffic purchasing websites. It seemed that even though each site design was different, the general idea was the exact same thing, and even most of the text is copied word for word. Many of the

Building Links To Your Site

Over the years there has been lots of discussion in the SEO community regarding building links to a web site. The debate is particularly heated at the moment, as Google rolls out its "Jagger" upgrade. Let's start with what we mean by inbound links, also called backlinks. These are links from other sites to your URL, which direct the surfer directly to your site when the link is clicked. The basic premise is that if you have high ranking sites linking to you, then you must yourself be important and have valuable content, and hence you should rank highly. The way in which Google ranks sites is called Pagerank and can be seen as a green line on the Google Toolbar representing ranks 0 to 10. As Google states PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more th

Boost Your Traffic And Page Rank With These Free Tips

I am sure that most people who have a website are looking for an increase in traffic and a higher page rank. This article will give you free tips on how to do both. Pay per click Pay per click is a form of paid advertising. Programs such as adwords from the search engine Google allow you to place an advert on the right hand side of their search results. If you are willing to pay a large amount of money per click you may even be placed above the normal search results. It is important to remember not to spend more on the adverts than you are likely to recive in income. Paid text adverts Paid text adverts is another of way of gaining visitors to your website and it also could increase your page rank. If the advert is on a high ranking page, this may well on its own lead you to moving up a level in your page rank. If the page has a large number of traffic, this could also be traffic directed to your website. Writing articles Writing articles like the one you are reading is an

Boost Your Search Engine Rankings and Get an Avalanche of Free Traffic

The most basic search engine ranking techniques are keyword optimization and link building. Most people know how to put in the right keywords for their web site. As for link building, most of them either have absolutely no clue of what to do or they try to build links the old way i.e. by manual link exchange. Manual link exchange is not only time consuming and tedious, it is also ineffective in the long run. Imagine having to check hundreds of link partners to see if they are still linking to your web site! is a link exchange service that will help automate your link exchange campaign totally. All you need to do is to setup your account once and you can start exchanging links with all the other members. The software automatically checks if your link partners are linking to your web site and eliminates the tedious task of having to check each partner site individually. The program also has several other advantages such as targeting the several keywords instead of on

Boost Your Credibility And Skyrocket Your Traffic By Article Submission

Web sites are made for surfers who read, scan and would want to know more about a particular topic or subject that they are looking for. Articles written for websites serve this particular purpose. But, believe it or not, surfers who search the web for relevant articles do so not by actually reading each and every article they encounter, they simply skim and scan over it. It is discovered that only sixteen percent of users tested who regularly surf the web for information actually read every word of an article. A whooping seventy nine percent just scan it. All they do is choose among the many words in front of them and pick out the relevant words, phrases or sentences. But, there is an exception though. In the same test, it was also discovered that articles that enjoyed a more than one hundred percent usability rating were articles that were concisely written, well-researched and objectively presented. For articles that were average in content and form, this is where text scann

Boost Traffic to Your Website

Directories help locate websites within specific or definite categories. The difference between search engines and directories is that, directories feature only vetted websites, sites that have a certain standard and contain information of substance. One of the aims of using directories is to boost traffic. To achieve this, one must choose to be featured in large, organized directories like Yahoo, DMOZ, and LookSmart. These will drive highly targeted traffic to you site (subject specific), increase significantly the link popularity, and Google PageRank. To maximize exposure: • Find a category that is most relevant to your website. The category and subcategories must totally fit the subject of your site and its purpose. For example, if your site is health related business the site must feature under health and not business. Only then, will surfers seeking health related websites access yours. Do a keyword search that is relevant to your site on the directory. The directory wi

Blog And Ping Your Way To Traffic

If you have a website then you are certainly interested in having it do as well as it possibly can in the search engine rankings. However, did you know that you do have some control over getting good rankings and increasing your traffic? That is right; you can take your website’s success into your own hands and increase your traffic and income by blogging and pinging. Don’t know what blogging and pinging are? Read on to find out! Blogging A blog is just the short way of saying web log, which can be compared to an online journal or diary. However, blogs don’t have to be personal information. They can include news, thoughts, opinions, challenges, history, and anything the blogger wants. The most important aspect of a blog is that it is updated on a schedule and a regular basis with fresh new content. Some bloggers add new content once a week while others blog daily or multiple times per day. This is where increased search engine rankings come into play. Since there is always fresh

Belong To The Exchange Club - For Website Links, That Is

When used sensibly, website link exchanges can draw an exceptional amount of website traffic and greatly increase your search engine outcome. Nevertheless, remember that too many link exchanges can be harmful. You do not want your website clogged with other website links. This can look tacky and cause visitors to turn away from your website almost immediately. You can write to other website owners and ask them to place a link from their website to yours, but there are a few rules of etiquette you should follow. When you ask another website owner to place a link on their website, remember you are asking them for a favor. They are under no obligation to comply. If you are asking this favor from a website with more traffic than your own, this can greatly improve your link popularity and generate more website traffic your way. If you decide to become a member of a website club that exchanges links, do your research carefully. Here are the top five tips to get you started with your webs

Basic Techniques to Generate Traffic from Search Engines

Traffic -- And lots of it! It is the dream of every netrepreneur.  After all, without steady stream of visitors -- or should I say “potential customers” to your web site, how will you earn your e-fortune? The first place most e-business start-ups go when they need a quick traffic fix is the search engines. And rightfully so! After all, a top ranking position in one of the major search engines is an effective way to increase the traffic to your web site without spending your hard-earned advertising dollars! Statistics have repeatedly shown that anywhere from 20% to 80% of your visitors will find your web site via a search engine. However, you should also know that statistics show that most web surfers never search beyond the top 30 results they receive. With that in mind, it is clear that a top position a top position should be the goal of any savvy site owner. But top spots are no longer achieved by crossing your fingers and blindly submitting your web site to 900+ search engin

Are you having a hard time getting traffic to your new website?

The biggest question site owners are asking these days is "how do I get traffic?" It is definitely much harder with the growth spurt of the Internet, however it's not impossible! There are TONS of ways to build up your traffic. Here are some of the most common methods. 1. Learn Search Engine Optimization - this is probably the most important way that you want to get traffic and probably the hardest too. Search engine traffic is highly targetted traffic of people who are searching the web for a specific item. If they get to your site after searching for it, you're almost guaranteed a sale or at least a "bookmark for later". lot of ebooks on the subject 2. Trade links with other sites - It's important to get your site name out there.  So trade links with several other sites, even your competitors! People really do look at those links pages and they will find their way to your site from another site. 3. Post on message boards - When you post on h

Are traffic exchanges worth to subscribe?

I am getting a lot of questions from active members in my downline that they don't see the use of using traffic exchanges because they spent a lot of time surfing for credits. As the word is saying traffic exchanges will deliver traffic. The more traffic exchanges you subscribe to, the more your link, banner or even squeeze page is seen and the more chances you have in selling your product, your services or subscribe members. In network marketing there are two items very important, a product or a service and members. If you don't recruit members in a membership program then you'll never get commission out of a matrix and you’ll never sell yourself or a product. Suppose you have your own product. Wouldn’t you like your product to be seen by as many potential customers? You can only achieve that by advertising your product. Off course when you have money enough you can spent a lot on traditional advertising but question will be if your product is going to be seen by a

Analyzing Website Traffic Part 2

This is the final part of a two part article explaining how you can analyze your website. Additionally, web traffic stats can help you determine effective and ineffective areas of your website. If you have a page that you believe is important, but visitors are exiting it rapidly, that page needs attention. You could, for example, consider improving the link to this page by making the link more noticeable and enticing, or you could improve the look of the page or the ease that your visitors can access the necessary information on that page. If, on the other hand, you notice that visitors are spending a lot of time on pages that you think are less important, you might consider moving some of your sales copy and marketing focus to that particular page. As you can see, these statistics will reveal vital information about the effectiveness of individual pages, and visitor habits and motivation. This is essential information to any successful Internet marketing campaign. Your webs

Analyzing Website Traffic Part 1

Most web hosting companies will provide you with basic web traffic information that you then have to interpret and make pertinent use of. However, the data you receive from your host company can be overwhelming if you don't understand how to apply it to your particular business and website. Let's start by examining the most basic data - the average visitors to your site on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. These figures are the most accurate measure of your website's activity. It would appear on the surface that the more traffic you see recorded, the better you can assume your website is doing, but this is an inaccurate perception. You must also look at the behavior of your visitors once they come to your website to accurately gauge the effectiveness of your site. There is often a great misconception about what is commonly known as "hits" and what is really effective, quality traffic to your site. Hits simply means the number of information requests rece

Amazing Ways To Boost Traffic To Your Website-And Make Sales

1. Design your web site to be a targeted resource center. Choose one subject and build on it. You'll gain repeat visitors that are interested in that topic. 2. Offer something that is really free. If people go to your site and what you said was free really isn't, you'll lose their trust and they won't buy anything. 3. Add a chat room or message board to your web site. People want to interact with other people that have they same interests as them. 4. Entice people to link to your web site by giving them something free in return. This'll increase your ranking in some search engines. 5. Trigger your reader's emotions in your ad copy. Example, if you sell a book on gambling tips, tell them the feelings they'll get when they win money. 6. Make sure your site looks good in all browsers. You could be losing sales because it looks distorted in some web browsers 7. Increase your sales by e-mailing full page ads to your e-zine subscribers. Remember to t

All Hits Are Not Created Equal

After all the debate over website design, shopping carts and credit card processors,every website owner eventually comes to the startling realization that they need one more thing to survive - website traffic! Without website traffic it's the same as building an expensive billboard and, instead of placing it alongside a busy highway, you hide it in your basement where nobody can see it. Upon realizing they need traffic, most website owners run out and start blowing chunks of money and time trying to get "hits" to their sites, but they fail to realize that all "hits" are not created equal. In their quest to get eyeballs to their websites, most online operators don't realize there's a big difference between driving "general" traffic to your website and driving "targeted" traffic. Just getting any traffic is the same technique TV advertisers use. They flash ads on the screen in front of people who can't afford or don't

A Secret Way Of Getting Traffic

If you are reading this article, more likely than not you own a website that you would like to see be a success. To achieve that level, you need traffic to your site. But where does traffic come from? One of the better ways to get traffic for your site is to submit your site to the many directories that exist online. Online directories are similar to your phone book yellow pages: These directories are categorized (education, entertainment, health, etc.), and when you submit your website, you suggest a category for your website. Often, you will even be able to submit to a sub-category within a major category. For example, suppose your website is about aromatherapy. In your submission request, you would suggest "Health" as your main category, "Alternative Medicine" as your sub-category, and "Aromatherapy" as a further sub-category. Some of the leading online directories are Yahoo!, MSN Small Business, and the DMOZ directory. Unlike search engines, ho

A Great Way To Get Cheap And Instant Traffic

Buying ezine ads is relatively cheap and it allows you to get visitors to your site almost instantaneously. To be successful, you have to advertise in quality ezines with an audience that is a close match to your own target market. What are the big advantages of ezine advertising? * Low cost: Buying ezine ads is much cheaper than for example banner advertising and the yield is much higher. * Targeted Visitors: Advertise in ezines with an audience that is interested in the theme of your site and you will get a fairly good conversion rate -- more of these visitors will buy from you, click on your affiliate links... * Negotiable: Most ezine publisher will allow you to negotiate price and ad placement, especially when you are buying ezine ads on a regular basis. * Life-Span: Old ezines are archived and remain accessible -- you keep on generating traffic from ezine ads you bought weeks or even months ago. Great sources that will help you to find the right ezines * The Ezin

A Free Way to Promote and Profit - Viral Marketing

It’s a horrible word isn’t it….marketing? No, only joking, I mean “viral” of course. Mention viral and one tends to think infection, illness and disease - or for the geeks among us, computers messed up. But viral marketing is nothing so negative or unpleasant, viral marketing is good! What is Viral Marketing? As the name suggests, it’s a way of spreading your marketing message from person to person, rather like the flu virus is passed on. You give the germ to, say 5 friends/colleagues/family members, who in turn each pass on the bug to 5 more (5x5=25), who then spread it to another 5 (25x5=125) and so on until after just 8 levels, you reach the staggering figure of 1,953,125. The classic example of viral marketing is, one of the first free Web-based e-mail services. The strategy is simple: 1. Give away free e-mail addresses and services, 2. Attach a simple tag at the bottom of every users email message sent: "Get your private, free email at

A Classified way to drive business to your web site

There are more than 105 million of them in the United States. Worldwide, there could be at least 250 million of them. Them, according to statistics from the Nielsen/Net Ratings service, is the number of active Web surfers. 250 million in the whole world? The figure is more than the populations of Canada, Australia, Great Britain, and a few non-English speaking countries combined. That’s a lot of them! With so many active surfers around, you would think Webmasters and site owners have an easy time attracting them. Actually, they face an uphill battle to bring visitors and, more importantly, consumers to their Web sites. And a Web site without traffic is like a store built in the middle of the desert. You could have the greatest products and most attractive Web design around, but they’re worthless if no one visits them. There is one way, however, to turn your Web site into an oasis of business, a way to drive as much traffic to your site as your server can handle: a classified ad.

Increase Website Traffic,seo,seo techniques

It is not enough to get people to visit your website. The most important things are to make them stay and visit again the next time they log on to the internet, and to inform other people of the existence of your website. Here are some helpful tips you should consider when designing your website in order to make visitors come back for more: 1.  Your home or opening page should contain a clear explanation of what your site is all about. No one wants to waste time clicking on links and going through pages of text just to discover what your intentions are. 2.  Your site must be easily navigable. A site menu at the top, bottom, or side of each page is very helpful especially for a first time visitor, especially if your site has lots of pages. 3.  Your site’s content is its heart, so make sure that it has substance. The content is you talking to the visitor, so you should be concerned about making a good impression. 4.  Your links should be clearly labeled. If a link leads to a gu

10 Ways You Can Increase Website Traffic!

Fortunately, there are more ways than one to increase website traffic. And the good news is that you can do things to increase website traffic totally free of cost! It can be done and here are 10 ways to do it: 1. Submit to Search Engines: This is the first step towards increasing your website traffic. Don't wait for the search engines to find your site. Go ahead and submit it to them voluntarily. Submitting a sitemap would be better - this will encourage the search engines to examine your site more often. Visits by the Search Engine Spiders are a key way to increase website traffic. 2. Link Exchange: The search engines count inbound links when ranking your website. Look for free link exchange programs. You can increase website traffic by including relevant links to your site - so seek out sites with similar or complementary products/services. You can also use free blogs as lead generation tools to help increase website traffic. When you make a post on a blog, include a link

10 Ways to increase Website traffic

If you have a website business on the internet, you require understanding the importance of traffic generation. Your business depends on reliable and steady traffic coming to your website. There are lots of ways to get traffic to your website however most people are interested in getting the most traffic for the least amount of money, preferably for free. While it's difficult to get anything for free nowadays there are still a few good ways to help build your web traffic and still pay nothing. Here are the 10 ways which help you in generating quick traffic to your website. 1. As part of quick traffic generation, you need to make sure that the content on your website is search engine optimized 2. As well, when it comes to quick generating traffic, you need to have URL that efficiently draws people to your site. 3. Furthermore, in considering quick making traffic options, you need to initiate a quality link building campaign. 4. In order to better your quick making traffi

10 Ways to Increase Web Traffic

Internet traffic is the life of any website or e-commerce business, and if you are an internet marketer, you already know that good traffic is not always easy to achieve.  There are however, some simple and effective strategies for getting quality traffic to your site, and most of them are FREE or low cost. 1.  Good old fashioned search engine optimization.  This is perhaps, the most cost effective way to get many customers to your site, because it does not cost a thing.  A web site with top ranking on even a mildly popular term, can get thousands of visitors per month.  Visit any SEO forum or article database and you can find hundreds of effective search engine optimization tips and tweaks to apply to your website for free. 2.  Pay-Per-Click Campaigns (PPC).    Almost all of the major search engines offer some sort of Pay-Per-Click marketing.  This is a great way to get targeted traffic to your site, and with some bids as low as $.01 per click, it can also be very economical.  A