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Showing posts with the label website help

Breaking Down the SEO Meaning: Why It's Crucial for Your Online Success

Can Social Bookmarking Help Me?

You have probably heard a lot about social bookmarking lately. As a matter of fact, you can spend hundreds of dollars right now just to find out what it's all about. Well, not here. I am giving you this information.I did the research and found this to be a super way to get more traffic to your site. The best news is, it's 100% FREE. What is Social Bookmarking? It's a public list of your favorites. Not all your favorites, just the favorites you want to share with others. You can add any website to your public list and retrieve it from any computer. (This is done on someone else's server, not your computer) When you list a site in your bookmark list, anyone looking for that same type of information can do a search at the bookmark site and find the sites that you have bookmarked. It is like a search engine without all the trash. When you do a search in a search engine, you get all the sites that have something to do with the keywords you typed into the search box