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Showing posts with the label seo secrets

Breaking Down the SEO Meaning: Why It's Crucial for Your Online Success

Basic Techniques to Generate Traffic from Search Engines

Traffic -- And lots of it! It is the dream of every netrepreneur.  After all, without steady stream of visitors -- or should I say “potential customers” to your web site, how will you earn your e-fortune? The first place most e-business start-ups go when they need a quick traffic fix is the search engines. And rightfully so! After all, a top ranking position in one of the major search engines is an effective way to increase the traffic to your web site without spending your hard-earned advertising dollars! Statistics have repeatedly shown that anywhere from 20% to 80% of your visitors will find your web site via a search engine. However, you should also know that statistics show that most web surfers never search beyond the top 30 results they receive. With that in mind, it is clear that a top position a top position should be the goal of any savvy site owner. But top spots are no longer achieved by crossing your fingers and blindly submitting your web site to 900+ search engin